Watch Janelle Monae’s ‘Power’-ful ‘Sesame Street’ Visit
Janelle Monae on Sesame Street singing "Power of Yet."Courtesy of the Children's Television Workdshop
On Tuesday, Janelle Monae is coming to Sesame Street. It’s the 45th anniversary of the famous show, and honoring that kind of longevity requires the right performer — someone grounded in both past and present, and someone capable of writing a song that preaches persistence as a key to continued success. Enter Monae, known as “the Electric Lady,” with her song “The Power of Yet.”
Monae’s tune glides along, built around a playful, handclapped beat and a thick, powerful horn section. At the start of the video, Elmo is having trouble calculating 2 plus 2, and the Cookie Monster keeps burning his cookies. But by the time Monae is through, everyone has mastered the tasks they were struggling with. Most impressive of all, Big Bird has learned how to dunk. Check out her performance below:
“The Power of Yet” applies to Monae’s life as well as Big Bird’s: The singer has always wanted to perform on Sesame Street. In January, she told Billboard, “I am so excited to be living one of my dreams — to be here on Sesame Street.” Check out photos from her visit to the set…
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